Museum of Myriam's Art (MoMA) is a virtual exhibition of her Spitsbergen/ Svalbard - inspired paintings which were made in the course of several years but never exposed together at the same time because each painting was sold shortly after it was made.
Myriam Borst
postboks 281
8455 Stokmarknes
+47 90 22 13 52
M y r i a m B o r s t
Born in The Hague, educated in Rotterdam at the Willem de Kooning Academie, Myriam landed on the tiny deserted island Storskjærvøya in the arctic north of Norway which is her living space and working place.
Impressed and inspired by the everyday surroundings from the inner to the farout landscape, she is aiming to connect with the essence of nature.
Using various media to communicate what lays between the known and unknown dimensions, she transfers feelings, thoughts and memories in colours, sounds and shapes to come closer to it.
Out of the blue
The first part of the video shows the residence and inspiration of the artist Myriam Borst, the latter part depicts a spontaneous cooperation (totally out of the blue) between the artist and musician Frank van Velthoven.
The colour blue is the leading character in both the paintings, the song and thus the entire video.
Museum of Myriam's Art

made by 'objektør'
special effects: Koen van Baal
remastered: 'objektør'